Winter 2019 Issue

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President's Message

ACOP is Strong and Prospering

By Edward E. Packer, DO, FAAP, FACOP
ACOP President

Edward E. Packer, DO, FACOP

Edward E. Packer, DO, FAAP, FACOP

This entry for the ACOP PULSE newsletter will be my last as the President of our wonderful professional college. I assure all of you that my change of status to become the Immediate Past President will not change my engagement or activity with our college.

Our college remains strong and relevant as the entity that represents osteopathic pediatricians and our patients. We continue to advocate for issues that impact child health and support the unique areas of our practice that involve our osteopathic heritage. We have seen several important successes during my tenure as your president. 

First, the AOA has implemented offering AMA PRA Category 1 Credit through a resolution offered by our college that was supported by the AOA House of Delegates. The goal will be to allow attendees at AOA supported meetings to obtain both AOA and AMA CME credit. Our college is working towards utilizing this new opportunity for all of our meetings in the near future.

Second, we now have a very robust social media presence. Our utilization of various digital outlets has allowed us to have a greater presence in the public forum. Our newer, younger members thrive in this environment and find this as a stronger connection with our college. The committee that overseas our social media outlets have several ideas to enhance these forums to offer new opportunities for learning and connecting with our professional college.

Third, our college has enhanced its voice in areas that impact children in our society. We have made public statements on several issues including support for the CHIP funding and opposing separating immigrant children from their families.  It is important that we continue to visibly advocate for children’s issues to both help forward these important areas and to promote visibility of our college.

Several challenges continue to confront our organization and the future of osteopathic pediatric medicine. Our certifying board is facing several changes that the AOA Board of Directors seeks to implement. Our college is asking the Board to postpone these changes until they can be reviewed in the annual House of Delegates meeting. Please take the time to review these proposals to see what direction you feel would be best for our college. We are working to promote ACGME accredited pediatric programs to obtain osteopathic recognition. It is important for our graduating students to have the opportunity to continue to refine their skills as osteopathic focused pediatricians. This can only be achieved if they can find programs that offer this important training.

The successes and achievements that we have enjoyed are the result of the many active members of our college who have devoted themselves to the various committees within our college. The combined dedication and energy that the members of our committees demonstrate is the reason our college continues to thrive. Everything from organizing our conferences to producing our publications is the result of these various committees and the participating members. I thank our active committee participants for the hard work they do for our profession. If you are not a member of one of our college’s committees, please consider joining one as a new member. You will find fulfillment in both the work you produce and the professional relationships that develop worth the commitment.

I look forward to seeing all of you in Pittsburgh.

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ACOP 2019 Spring Conference

ACOP 2019 Spring Conference

April 12-14, 2019
Omni William Penn
Pittsburgh, PA

Abbott Nutrition

has provided an educational
grant to support the

ACOP 2019 Spring Conference

We appreciate their
continued support!