Spring 2016 Issue

Melnick at Large

Are You 'Car Safe'?

By Arnold Melnick, DO, FACOP

Arnold MelnickDo we as pediatricians pay enough attention to the car safety of our patients? And are their parents really concerned? Or do we just dismiss the entire problem by asking "Do you use a car seat for your toddler?" and be satisfied with the answer?

ACIP Report

Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices

Stan Grogg, DOBy Stan Grogg, DO
AOA Liaison

October 21, 2015
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
Atlanta, Georgia

Meeting Highlights

1. 2016 Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedules. ACIP voted to approve the new schedule for 2016 and will be

Upcoming Conference

Make Plans for the ACOP Spring Conference in Phoenix

PhoenixWhat can be better than Arizona in April!? Join ACOP in sunny Phoenix for top-notch pediatric education, friends and fun! The agenda is jam packed with unique topics, general pediatric updates and care of the pediatric patient at home, on the field and in the community.

The conference will start on April 14 with a pre-conference allergy block in the afternoon. The topics include asthma and allergy prevention, drugs and additives, urticaria and venom allergy. These topics

Pestilence Paragraphs

Zika Virus:
What You Need to Know

By Jessica Mondani, DO

In early 2015, an outbreak of Zika virus was identified in northeast Brazil. Zika virus is transmitted primarily by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Aedes albopictus mosquitoes might also transmit the virus. Both mosquitoes are found throughout much of the Americas, including parts of the United States, and also transmit dengue and chikungunya viruses. Please see map of highlighted affected areas.

NSUCOM's Student Club News

Helping Out at the 12th Annual Day for Children

By Christine Baxter
M1 Representative, NSUCOM Student Club

On September 20, 2015, more than 50 members of NSUCOM's Pediatrics Club had a blast helping out at the 12th Annual Day for Children’s Health Fair. A day for Children is one of the largest known health fairs in Florida. From 11:00 am until 5:00 pm, NSUCOM Pediatrics Club members assisted community healthcare professionals in providing free health assessments. We arrived in shifts throughout the day and engaged local children on topics of nutrition and anatomy as we provided resources for their parents and caretakers in order to

In Memoriam

Viola M. Frymann, DO

Viola M. Frymann, DOViola M. Frymann, DO, groundbreaking osteopathic physician, died January 23, 2016, at the age of 94. Dr. Frymann was a pioneering physician, researcher, advocate and beloved educator. She founded the Osteopathic Center for Children with a goal to help “every child reach their potential” and subsequently Osteopathy’s Promise to Children which provided educational courses for DOs, MDs and DDS’s. Dr. Fryman helped reestablish

Welcome New Members

ACOP is pleased to announce the following new members that will ad strength, expertise and vitality to our college.
ACOP's New Members...

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President's Message

Welcome to 2016!

By Carl Backes, DO, FACOP, FAAP
ACOP President

Carl BackesIt will be a busy but hopefully successful year for all DO pediatricians due to the outstanding growth of our profession. According to the 2015 Osteopathic Medical Profession Report, the number of DOs in the United States stands at nearly 97,000, which is a 25% growth every five years since 1985. I outlined in the spring PULSE what needs to be done; so in this issue, I will address our progress.

Member Spotlight

Jason Jackson, DO

Column Editor – Katherine Locke

Jason Jackson DODr. Jason Jackson, DO is a West Virginia native, born and raised in Bridgeport, West Virginia.  After a short stint in various parts of the country he returned home to Lewisburg, West Virginia to attend medical school at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, where he quickly developed his passion

Editor's Corner

Zika Virus Outbreak

By Robert G. Locke, DO, MPH, FACOP

Robert G. Locke, DO, MPH, FACOPZika virus, the latest tropical Flavivirus to cause an outbreak in the Americas, is associated with a 20-fold increase in microcephaly in Brazilian newborns and a ten-twenty fold increase in Guillen-Barrie Syndrome. The CDC, and its European counterpart ECDC, have issued strong travel warnings targeting pregnant women and children. The Brazilian military has been mobilized to eradicate the Aedes Mosquito.

American Osteopathic Board of Pediatrics - Update

AOBP Submission to the ACOP

By Kayse M. Shrum, DO, FACOP
Chair, AOBP

The Osteopathic Continuous Certification (OCC) process can be confusing. The AOBP hopes this will provide clarity and will be helpful as diplomates navigate the OCC process.

The OCC cycle is a nine-year cycle and all AOBP diplomates follow the same cycle. The first cycle is 2013-2021. Therefore, regardless of the diplomate’s certificate date, the OCC cycle began January 1, 2013 and commences on December 31, 2021. Those components that are continuous throughout the OCC Cycle and must be maintained include:

From the Editor

Early Childhood Development – AOA Collaboration
and Education Certificate

By Robert G. Locke, DO, MPH, FACOP

The quality of the home environment and parenting are the two main modifiable variables affecting childhood development. The AOA and Erikson Institute are collaborating in developing an online curriculum for primary care osteopathic pediatricians. The curriculum will also be accessible for osteopathic students interested in pediatrics or family practice. The three modules will focus on

Student Perspective

The Importance of Screening for Abuse

Belina Yi, OMS III

Belina Young-Joo YiThere are some matters in the field of medicine not often brought up for discussion. Sometimes, it is because some subjects are too “emotional” or “uncomfortable.” Child abuse is one of those topics.

I attended a lecture about child abuse at the UCSF Interpersonal Violence Conference on November 14, 2015. It was heartbreaking to hear about different ways people abuse their children. I learned the importance of screening all children, not just

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ACOP 2016 Spring Conference


ACOP 2016
Spring Conference

April 14-17, 2016
Sheraton Phoenix Downtown
Phoenix, Arizona

Click Here
To Register




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We would like
to thank our
Exhibitors & Supporters

A. T. Still
American Osteopathic Board of Pediatrics
Sanofi Pasteur

Educational Grant

Mead Johnson Nutrition

For support and exhibitor information, contact
Dana Gibson